all postcodes in WF15 / LIVERSEDGE

find any address or company within the WF15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF15 8DP 0 53.710003 -1.725655
WF15 8DQ 0 53.710796 -1.723577
WF15 8DR 0 53.715739 -1.718723
WF15 8DS 0 53.715898 -1.717434
WF15 8DT 0 53.710851 -1.727119
WF15 8DU 2 53.711908 -1.717582
WF15 8DW 0 53.710246 -1.72582
WF15 8DX 0 53.712504 -1.718715
WF15 8DY 0 53.712839 -1.719955
WF15 8DZ 0 53.712651 -1.716517
WF15 8EA 0 53.712254 -1.715792
WF15 8EB 0 53.71286 -1.717258
WF15 8ED 0 53.713184 -1.717392
WF15 8EE 1 53.712162 -1.714747
WF15 8EG 0 53.712413 -1.714518
WF15 8EH 0 53.71085 -1.72274
WF15 8EJ 0 53.711432 -1.722679
WF15 8EL 0 53.711121 -1.723223
WF15 8EP 5 53.708826 -1.725859
WF15 8EQ 0 53.71298 -1.714999