all postcodes in WF17 / LIVERSEDGE

find any address or company within the WF17 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF17 0BG 1 0 53.720009 -1.632364
WF17 0BH 6 0 53.719701 -1.632658
WF17 0BJ 1 1 53.720439 -1.635012
WF17 0BL 6 0 53.721433 -1.623096
WF17 0BN 35 0 53.729559 -1.655229
WF17 0BQ 3 1 53.719173 -1.632311
WF17 0BS 40 1 53.729165 -1.652761
WF17 0BT 19 2 53.728962 -1.653794
WF17 0BU 30 1 53.728293 -1.655557
WF17 0BX 27 0 53.727855 -1.653272
WF17 0BY 46 0 53.727332 -1.65264
WF17 0BZ 11 0 53.727344 -1.653822
WF17 0DA 35 0 53.729501 -1.656866
WF17 0DD 24 0 53.735543 -1.654331
WF17 0DE 6 0 53.729845 -1.657667
WF17 0DF 6 0 53.730013 -1.656695
WF17 0DG 4 0 53.730223 -1.657967
WF17 0DH 18 0 53.732345 -1.655191
WF17 0DJ 16 0 53.731009 -1.656187
WF17 0DL 7 0 53.73347 -1.655469