all postcodes in WF17 / LIVERSEDGE

find any address or company within the WF17 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF17 6BB 15 4 53.704606 -1.630332
WF17 6BE 11 0 53.704834 -1.629546
WF17 6BG 17 0 53.705375 -1.629159
WF17 6BH 5 1 53.704984 -1.628742
WF17 6BJ 24 0 53.704593 -1.629196
WF17 6BL 8 0 53.704708 -1.629411
WF17 6BP 3 0 53.703773 -1.63143
WF17 6BQ 17 0 53.705311 -1.628841
WF17 6BS 2 2 53.70343 -1.63177
WF17 6BU 35 1 53.702355 -1.631927
WF17 6BW 5 0 53.704407 -1.629879
WF17 6BX 4 1 53.701896 -1.631764
WF17 6BY 3 0 53.703953 -1.631458
WF17 6DA 5 0 53.704346 -1.616261
WF17 6DB 18 2 53.702895 -1.615063
WF17 6DD 32 0 53.70388 -1.613994
WF17 6DE 7 0 53.703874 -1.612146
WF17 6DF 26 0 53.7036 -1.613617
WF17 6DG 14 0 53.703406 -1.611907
WF17 6DH 11 0 53.702938 -1.611639