all postcodes in WF17 / LIVERSEDGE

find any address or company within the WF17 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF17 9DF 0 53.740024 -1.659236
WF17 9DG 0 53.740001 -1.657417
WF17 9DH 0 53.739941 -1.66189
WF17 9DJ 2 53.73949 -1.659032
WF17 9DL 0 53.739726 -1.655752
WF17 9DN 0 53.739082 -1.659881
WF17 9DP 0 53.739149 -1.662385
WF17 9DQ 0 53.739765 -1.659891
WF17 9DR 0 53.739392 -1.662292
WF17 9DS 0 53.735794 -1.663637
WF17 9DT 19 53.746119 -1.644252
WF17 9DU 1 53.730265 -1.660865
WF17 9DX 0 53.730487 -1.662406
WF17 9DY 1 53.731737 -1.662396
WF17 9DZ 0 53.733732 -1.659227
WF17 9EA 0 53.730347 -1.660573
WF17 9EB 2 53.730974 -1.660526
WF17 9ED 1 53.730697 -1.660252
WF17 9EJ 12 53.731467 -1.6592
WF17 9EE 0 53.730849 -1.659962