all postcodes in WF17 / LIVERSEDGE

find any address or company within the WF17 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF17 0DN 12 0 53.73312 -1.655624
WF17 0DP 8 0 53.733705 -1.655998
WF17 0DQ 18 0 53.731546 -1.655288
WF17 0DR 9 0 53.733595 -1.65515
WF17 0DS 7 0 53.732928 -1.654489
WF17 0DT 26 0 53.733402 -1.653757
WF17 0DU 9 0 53.733301 -1.653152
WF17 0DW 8 0 53.733048 -1.655867
WF17 0DX 32 0 53.735259 -1.652741
WF17 0DY 4 0 53.734147 -1.650552
WF17 0DZ 22 0 53.73543 -1.649587
WF17 0EA 10 0 53.735491 -1.652103
WF17 0EB 26 0 53.735912 -1.651478
WF17 0ED 21 0 53.736053 -1.6504
WF17 0EE 58 0 53.734475 -1.654931
WF17 0EF 5 0 53.734766 -1.650002
WF17 0EG 21 0 53.734419 -1.651066
WF17 0EH 4 0 53.734451 -1.649701
WF17 0EJ 7 1 53.734242 -1.649066
WF17 0EL 3 0 53.732682 -1.65349