all postcodes in WF2 / WAKEFIELD

find any address or company within the WF2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF2 7DB 0 53.662769 -1.491517
WF2 7DE 0 53.66368 -1.489947
WF2 7DF 0 53.664691 -1.488906
WF2 7DG 1 53.661824 -1.488926
WF2 7DH 0 53.662087 -1.495823
WF2 7DJ 0 53.662375 -1.487542
WF2 7DL 0 53.661667 -1.488095
WF2 7DN 0 53.661437 -1.489099
WF2 7DP 1 53.656221 -1.488405
WF2 7DQ 3 53.663174 -1.489348
WF2 7DR 0 53.656588 -1.487778
WF2 7DS 0 53.659648 -1.488725
WF2 7DT 0 53.661805 -1.49507
WF2 7DU 0 53.662934 -1.496373
WF2 7DW 0 53.659964 -1.489115
WF2 7DX 0 53.662017 -1.489967
WF2 7DY 3 53.649342 -1.493935
WF2 7DZ 0 53.649025 -1.493422
WF2 7EA 0 53.64763 -1.494967
WF2 7EB 0 53.648288 -1.495473