all postcodes in WF4 / WAKEFIELD

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Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF4 6DG 27 0 53.66568 -1.55662
WF4 6DH 30 0 53.664564 -1.553908
WF4 6DJ 1 1 53.663927 -1.554217
WF4 6DL 2 0 53.661112 -1.563996
WF4 6DN 4 1 53.660657 -1.559442
WF4 6DP 25 0 53.660297 -1.564364
WF4 6DQ 29 0 53.661877 -1.556966
WF4 6DR 37 0 53.660126 -1.559463
WF4 6DS 12 0 53.66084 -1.560515
WF4 6DT 22 0 53.660823 -1.563711
WF4 6DU 15 0 53.660745 -1.561514
WF4 6DW 1 1 53.660024 -1.558435
WF4 6DX 9 0 53.661017 -1.562177
WF4 6DY 13 0 53.661123 -1.561571
WF4 6FA 2 0 53.661314 -1.562738
WF4 6DZ 4 0 53.661758 -1.563274
WF4 6EA 6 0 53.662017 -1.562848
WF4 6EB 10 0 53.661444 -1.563459
WF4 6ED 9 0 53.662702 -1.56331
WF4 6EE 17 0 53.66377 -1.562981