all postcodes in WF5 / OSSETT

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Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF5 9JB 3 3 53.684299 -1.575763
WF5 9JD 19 14 53.686467 -1.57324
WF5 9JE 29 25 53.683914 -1.573159
WF5 9JJ 37 0 53.683953 -1.584212
WF5 9JL 76 0 53.683832 -1.582972
WF5 9JP 10 0 53.683424 -1.577056
WF5 9JQ 1 1 53.684108 -1.574656
WF5 9JS 9 1 53.685495 -1.572886
WF5 9JT 9 1 53.685296 -1.570042
WF5 9JU 1 1 53.685871 -1.567431
WF5 9JX 17 3 53.685469 -1.568238
WF5 9JY 6 5 53.686001 -1.569235
WF5 9JZ 3 3 53.684944 -1.572225
WF5 9LB 3 1 53.686324 -1.571503
WF5 9LH 4 0 53.684644 -1.576362
WF5 9LJ 8 0 53.685352 -1.578172
WF5 9LL 8 0 53.685246 -1.578839
WF5 9LN 47 0 53.68571 -1.577865
WF5 9LP 25 0 53.685232 -1.577416
WF5 9LQ 3 0 53.683041 -1.577847