all postcodes in WF5 / OSSETT

find any address or company within the WF5 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF5 8BB 33 0 53.676584 -1.577033
WF5 8BD 7 0 53.676311 -1.578625
WF5 8BE 1 1 53.680035 -1.579345
WF5 8BH 17 9 53.679528 -1.578245
WF5 8BJ 6 5 53.679707 -1.578274
WF5 8BN 5 0 53.679298 -1.576855
WF5 8BP 14 0 53.67823 -1.577304
WF5 8BQ 12 8 53.679423 -1.579094
WF5 8BW 1 1 53.677484 -1.57489
WF5 8DA 13 5 53.680439 -1.58187
WF5 8DE 12 0 53.681554 -1.584553
WF5 8DF 15 3 53.681523 -1.583343
WF5 8DG 18 0 53.682639 -1.586481
WF5 8DH 33 0 53.682808 -1.583375
WF5 8DJ 6 0 53.683094 -1.588066
WF5 8DL 32 0 53.682908 -1.588764
WF5 8DN 30 0 53.684813 -1.588655
WF5 8DP 16 0 53.68651 -1.588305
WF5 8DQ 31 0 53.683404 -1.586625
WF5 8DR 18 0 53.686382 -1.590063