all postcodes in WF6 / NORMANTON

find any address or company within the WF6 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF6 1BB 11 53.692344 -1.422862
WF6 1BE 0 53.693751 -1.422164
WF6 1BG 2 53.693595 -1.423148
WF6 1BH 0 53.693501 -1.422286
WF6 1BJ 0 53.692611 -1.424145
WF6 1BL 0 53.692813 -1.4249
WF6 1BN 0 53.691865 -1.42405
WF6 1BP 0 53.690581 -1.422737
WF6 1BQ 0 53.693463 -1.423664
WF6 1BS 0 53.691578 -1.411363
WF6 1BT 0 53.691592 -1.412317
WF6 1BU 0 53.691209 -1.411262
WF6 1BW 1 53.691456 -1.423116
WF6 1BX 0 53.691881 -1.412585
WF6 1DA 0 53.689493 -1.422371
WF6 1DB 0 53.690298 -1.421527
WF6 1DD 0 53.68963 -1.419219
WF6 1DE 0 53.689526 -1.418239
WF6 1DF 0 53.69002 -1.418048
WF6 1DG 0 53.69028 -1.41606