all postcodes in WF8 / KNOTTINGLEY

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Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF8 1BT 2 2 53.692953 -1.311664
WF8 1DB 1 0 53.690593 -1.315461
WF8 1DE 2 2 53.691584 -1.314291
WF8 1DF 4 2 53.691591 -1.313988
WF8 1DG 10 0 53.691073 -1.314512
WF8 1DJ 4 0 53.690872 -1.313955
WF8 1DR 3 3 53.690582 -1.313687
WF8 1DS 1 1 53.691383 -1.310585
WF8 1DX 14 1 53.690255 -1.306757
WF8 1DY 14 0 53.688688 -1.309311
WF8 1DZ 10 0 53.689362 -1.30774
WF8 1EB 20 0 53.694617 -1.305685
WF8 1ED 7 0 53.688283 -1.304533
WF8 1EE 7 3 53.688967 -1.306293
WF8 1EF 1 1 53.688343 -1.308787
WF8 1EG 5 0 53.694787 -1.305471
WF8 1EH 6 0 53.695192 -1.305585
WF8 1EJ 9 0 53.695417 -1.305644
WF8 1EP 2 0 53.695852 -1.306197
WF8 1ES 17 8 53.696544 -1.304699