all postcodes in WF9 / PONTEFRACT

find any address or company within the WF9 postcode district

Postcode Area

WF / Wakefield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WF9 1JF 26 0 53.61953 -1.263922
WF9 1JG 37 0 53.616314 -1.283464
WF9 1JJ 9 6 53.616356 -1.27403
WF9 1JL 12 0 53.617705 -1.265224
WF9 1JP 7 0 53.614273 -1.28179
WF9 1JQ 30 0 53.620413 -1.261352
WF9 1JR 13 0 53.618917 -1.267939
WF9 1JS 31 6 53.61642 -1.275677
WF9 1JT 3 1 53.619012 -1.273244
WF9 1JU 14 2 53.618405 -1.268023
WF9 1JW 13 0 53.61576 -1.27794
WF9 1JX 3 2 53.618786 -1.268685
WF9 1JY 32 0 53.617147 -1.259338
WF9 1JZ 34 0 53.617889 -1.255742
WF9 1LA 38 0 53.61762 -1.255777
WF9 1LB 20 0 53.616338 -1.257916
WF9 1LD 24 0 53.617014 -1.258115
WF9 1LE 8 0 53.61759 -1.258302
WF9 1LF 28 0 53.616399 -1.259033
WF9 1LG 40 0 53.616971 -1.255486