all postcodes in WN1 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN1 2BJ 23 1 53.553686 -2.629091
WN1 2BL 9 0 53.554021 -2.628734
WN1 2BN 23 3 53.553426 -2.629042
WN1 2BP 27 1 53.552868 -2.629049
WN1 2BQ 24 1 53.553058 -2.630682
WN1 2BS 28 3 53.55275 -2.628699
WN1 2BT 4 0 53.552382 -2.629163
WN1 2BU 33 0 53.552358 -2.628589
WN1 2BW 19 2 53.552622 -2.62974
WN1 2BX 42 0 53.552132 -2.630668
WN1 2BY 6 0 53.553345 -2.630716
WN1 2DA 15 1 53.555956 -2.634967
WN1 2DD 1 1 53.556965 -2.634514
WN1 2DE 14 0 53.557849 -2.634044
WN1 2DF 16 4 53.557645 -2.633468
WN1 2DG 15 0 53.556158 -2.634245
WN1 2DH 2 0 53.553338 -2.634821
WN1 2DJ 24 0 53.553723 -2.633937
WN1 2DL 42 0 53.554072 -2.631919
WN1 2DN 88 1 53.554536 -2.629163