all postcodes in WN1 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN1 2DP 21 0 53.55512 -2.629973
WN1 2DQ 40 0 53.554381 -2.635306
WN1 2DR 26 0 53.554496 -2.632258
WN1 2DS 3 0 53.553977 -2.633669
WN1 2DT 22 0 53.553902 -2.634106
WN1 2DU 26 2 53.554366 -2.634822
WN1 2DW 12 0 53.554745 -2.629333
WN1 2DX 38 0 53.555076 -2.633067
WN1 2DY 19 0 53.554855 -2.63415
WN1 2DZ 25 0 53.555874 -2.633426
WN1 2EA 15 0 53.554752 -2.633213
WN1 2EB 59 1 53.55531 -2.63141
WN1 2ED 26 2 53.555592 -2.63072
WN1 2EE 6 0 53.555589 -2.633014
WN1 2EF 26 0 53.55647 -2.632982
WN1 2EG 8 0 53.555733 -2.631265
WN1 2EH 23 0 53.556744 -2.632141
WN1 2EJ 17 0 53.557452 -2.632468
WN1 2EL 10 0 53.556812 -2.632927
WN1 2EN 8 0 53.557857 -2.632535