all postcodes in WN1 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN1 3DB 13 0 53.544043 -2.61618
WN1 3DE 8 0 53.544166 -2.615579
WN1 3DF 41 0 53.543566 -2.615043
WN1 3DG 3 3 53.544883 -2.612451
WN1 3DJ 14 0 53.544562 -2.610213
WN1 3DL 8 0 53.543395 -2.613305
WN1 3DP 18 14 53.543995 -2.612136
WN1 3DQ 28 0 53.544728 -2.60937
WN1 3DS 1 1 53.546967 -2.635089
WN1 3DT 7 0 53.543117 -2.61324
WN1 3DU 19 0 53.54324 -2.61377
WN1 3DX 12 0 53.543182 -2.614176
WN1 3EA 38 0 53.54454 -2.616143
WN1 3EE 1 0 53.544416 -2.61762
WN1 3EF 34 3 53.543995 -2.619108
WN1 3EG 5 0 53.544229 -2.618991
WN1 3EH 2 0 53.544295 -2.619519
WN1 3EJ 21 0 53.544546 -2.622029
WN1 3EL 15 0 53.544452 -2.622782
WN1 3EN 37 0 53.544238 -2.622477