all postcodes in WN1 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN1 3EP 10 0 53.544705 -2.624219
WN1 3EQ 17 0 53.544208 -2.619655
WN1 3ER 6 0 53.54431 -2.624153
WN1 3ET 4 0 53.543958 -2.620525
WN1 3EU 18 0 53.543274 -2.622901
WN1 3EW 5 0 53.544097 -2.621992
WN1 3EX 47 0 53.543748 -2.62327
WN1 3EY 35 0 53.543835 -2.623844
WN1 3EZ 3 1 53.543687 -2.624098
WN1 3HA 11 0 53.543196 -2.624001
WN1 3HB 18 1 53.545537 -2.609397
WN1 3HD 1 1 53.546466 -2.610512
WN1 3HE 36 0 53.546005 -2.612754
WN1 3HF 1 1 53.544826 -2.609583
WN1 3HH 4 0 53.545713 -2.611814
WN1 3HL 17 0 53.546133 -2.608787
WN1 3HN 39 1 53.547658 -2.609352
WN1 3HP 9 0 53.546555 -2.608868
WN1 3HQ 7 0 53.546906 -2.608737
WN1 3HT 1 1 53.545822 -2.6134