all postcodes in WN1 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN1 1HE 1 1 53.546206 -2.636224
WN1 1HG 3 3 53.547311 -2.638007
WN1 1HH 2 0 53.548206 -2.636344
WN1 1HN 24 0 53.545994 -2.635587
WN1 1HP 5 4 53.546736 -2.634633
WN1 1HQ 1 1 53.548068 -2.637581
WN1 1HR 1 1 53.545994 -2.635587
WN1 1HS 29 0 53.545994 -2.635587
WN1 1HU 1 0 53.547675 -2.633756
WN1 1HW 18 0 53.546331 -2.636362
WN1 1HX 30 21 53.547748 -2.633606
WN1 1HZ 26 0 53.547117 -2.637295
WN1 1JE 1 1 53.545805 -2.632174
WN1 1JF 1 1 53.547157 -2.63316
WN1 1JL 5 4 53.547742 -2.633018
WN1 1JN 4 4 53.54651 -2.632621
WN1 1JP 2 2 53.553194 -2.628072
WN1 1JR 2 2 53.545999 -2.632191
WN1 1JS 1 1 53.546712 -2.631658
WN1 1JU 15 11 53.54544 -2.632651