all postcodes in WN1 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN1 1BT 10 9 53.54408 -2.630247
WN1 1DB 1 1 53.543826 -2.630741
WN1 1DE 2 2 53.545044 -2.631045
WN1 1DG 5 3 53.543939 -2.629762
WN1 1NU 5 4 53.544548 -2.630223
WN1 1DL 4 2 53.543085 -2.628074
WN1 1DQ 1 1 53.545216 -2.629705
WN1 1DU 2 1 53.542849 -2.630274
WN1 1DW 1 1 53.542995 -2.626428
WN1 1BL 1 1 53.543556 -2.627326
WN1 1DY 13 8 53.544307 -2.631503
WN1 1EA 1 1 53.543292 -2.629646
WN1 1EB 1 1 53.543275 -2.629601
WN1 1EG 1 1 53.54412 -2.631153
WN1 1EX 5 0 53.547207 -2.638352
WN1 1EY 25 0 53.546775 -2.638436
WN1 1EZ 6 0 53.546445 -2.638008
WN1 1HA 19 0 53.546815 -2.637787
WN1 1HB 2 0 53.546836 -2.637214
WN1 1HD 1 1 53.546625 -2.64026