all postcodes in WN2 / WIGAN

find any address or company within the WN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN2 2SG 0 53.542517 -2.576713
WN2 2SH 0 53.551653 -2.576022
WN2 2SJ 0 53.552737 -2.574829
WN2 2SL 0 53.553526 -2.575172
WN2 2SN 0 53.554475 -2.574038
WN2 2SP 0 53.554016 -2.572341
WN2 2SQ 1 53.549221 -2.580743
WN2 2SR 0 53.553433 -2.566416
WN2 2SS 0 53.555794 -2.576501
WN2 2ST 0 53.55375 -2.577152
WN2 2SU 0 53.554266 -2.57654
WN2 2SW 0 53.543082 -2.576977
WN2 2SX 0 53.55452 -2.577767
WN2 2SY 0 53.543011 -2.587402
WN2 2TA 0 53.538951 -2.599932
WN2 2TB 0 53.539165 -2.592691
WN2 2RT 0 53.54205 -2.571032
WN2 2DW 0 53.54855 -2.592959
WN2 2PY 0 53.541969 -2.574759
WN2 2JZ 0 53.544305 -2.591602