all postcodes in WN2 / WIGAN

find any address or company within the WN2 postcode district

Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN2 2RB 0 53.539755 -2.575377
WN2 2RD 0 53.540181 -2.574583
WN2 2RE 0 53.540151 -2.573436
WN2 2RF 0 53.539613 -2.575028
WN2 2RG 2 53.538394 -2.576083
WN2 2RH 0 53.537633 -2.57556
WN2 2RJ 0 53.538011 -2.575384
WN2 2RL 0 53.538201 -2.575236
WN2 2RN 1 53.540384 -2.575401
WN2 2RP 0 53.53863 -2.575165
WN2 2RQ 0 53.537371 -2.575798
WN2 2RU 0 53.538375 -2.57815
WN2 2RX 0 53.538445 -2.578604
WN2 2RY 0 53.537925 -2.578401
WN2 2RZ 0 53.537911 -2.579366
WN2 2SA 0 53.543912 -2.576354
WN2 2SB 0 53.543168 -2.57399
WN2 2SD 0 53.544842 -2.575507
WN2 2SE 0 53.543695 -2.574646
WN2 2SF 0 53.546646 -2.575939