all postcodes in WN2 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN2 4GH 0 53.525855 -2.541596
WN2 4GJ 0 53.526237 -2.540575
WN2 4GL 0 53.526278 -2.541375
WN2 4GN 0 53.524158 -2.550428
WN2 4HA 1 53.528873 -2.54788
WN2 4HB 0 53.527935 -2.538681
WN2 4HD 11 53.52704 -2.547871
WN2 4HE 0 53.526935 -2.549167
WN2 4HF 1 53.525114 -2.548374
WN2 4HG 0 53.525154 -2.549295
WN2 4HH 0 53.524264 -2.547443
WN2 4HJ 0 53.524432 -2.546163
WN2 4HL 0 53.525235 -2.545525
WN2 4HN 0 53.530702 -2.548476
WN2 4HP 0 53.524324 -2.544261
WN2 4HQ 0 53.525047 -2.547227
WN2 4HR 6 53.527633 -2.543534
WN2 4HS 4 53.526132 -2.543847
WN2 4HT 1 53.527536 -2.541557
WN2 4HU 0 53.532779 -2.552683