all postcodes in WN2 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN2 4UE 0 53.52056 -2.543715
WN2 4LL 0 53.512757 -2.545817
WN2 4GQ 0 53.512853 -2.546436
WN2 4AY 3 53.529901 -2.546671
WN2 4AW 0 53.524768 -2.550707
WN2 4XH 1 53.515309 -2.547643
WN2 4GS 3 53.528887 -2.544968
WN2 4GT 0 53.524466 -2.552333
WN2 4GR 0 53.540694 -2.563243
WN2 4HX 2 53.529018 -2.543627
WN2 4AT 4 53.527286 -2.547105
WN2 4AU 6 53.52839 -2.547481
WN2 4GP 0 53.522236 -2.546814
WN2 4UF 0 53.534137 -2.564016