all postcodes in WN3 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN3 5DE 1 1 53.538801 -2.630877
WN3 5DF 16 0 53.532441 -2.638538
WN3 5DJ 30 1 53.532373 -2.639472
WN3 5DQ 6 4 53.539165 -2.632753
WN3 5DS 6 1 53.535993 -2.635965
WN3 5DU 31 5 53.534648 -2.638797
WN3 5DX 49 2 53.532154 -2.641732
WN3 5DY 30 0 53.532808 -2.640595
WN3 5EA 29 0 53.531709 -2.641031
WN3 5EB 39 0 53.531783 -2.644019
WN3 5ED 12 0 53.531943 -2.642634
WN3 5EG 22 0 53.533044 -2.64179
WN3 5EH 26 0 53.532797 -2.642662
WN3 5EJ 25 0 53.533895 -2.642346
WN3 5EL 16 0 53.533637 -2.641316
WN3 5EN 31 0 53.534252 -2.641099
WN3 5EQ 30 0 53.533361 -2.642987
WN3 5ER 8 0 53.53646 -2.639397
WN3 5ES 10 0 53.536425 -2.639805
WN3 5EW 19 3 53.534437 -2.638537