all postcodes in WN3 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN3 4AA 2 2 53.542397 -2.636921
WN3 4AB 2 2 53.543596 -2.63457
WN3 4AF 4 4 53.543393 -2.641147
WN3 4AG 1 1 53.543009 -2.638938
WN3 4AJ 1 1 53.543269 -2.640828
WN3 4AL 9 9 53.54254 -2.639308
WN3 4AP 5 5 53.542967 -2.643585
WN3 4AR 2 1 53.542554 -2.642884
WN3 4AS 2 1 53.543025 -2.643842
WN3 4BT 5 5 53.543931 -2.643027
WN3 4AZ 3 2 53.54271 -2.641167
WN3 4BS 1 0 53.544416 -2.641404
WN3 4BW 14 13 53.544123 -2.640222
WN3 4BY 7 7 53.54509 -2.64161
WN3 4BZ 15 13 53.545167 -2.638276
WN3 4DA 17 16 53.544664 -2.638842
WN3 4DG 1 1 53.543884 -2.636854
WN3 4DL 10 10 53.543975 -2.636493
WN3 4DP 9 8 53.54477 -2.637561
WN3 4DY 6 3 53.54311 -2.633492