all postcodes in WN3 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN3 4DZ 1 1 53.54255 -2.634132
WN3 4EA 3 3 53.543055 -2.635392
WN3 4EH 5 0 53.541679 -2.639024
WN3 4EL 22 12 53.542119 -2.634081
WN3 4EN 5 5 53.541528 -2.635173
WN3 4ER 1 1 53.541401 -2.635488
WN3 4EU 2 2 53.54237 -2.638671
WN3 4EX 1 1 53.541692 -2.641574
WN3 4EY 2 2 53.540107 -2.633099
WN3 4HG 3 2 53.540678 -2.631177
WN3 4HL 6 6 53.540497 -2.629575
WN3 4HN 7 4 53.541057 -2.630307
WN3 4HQ 4 4 53.540484 -2.632185
WN3 4HS 1 1 53.54004 -2.631137
WN3 4HT 1 0 53.54004 -2.629372
WN3 4HU 5 2 53.542729 -2.63252
WN3 4HW 6 5 53.541962 -2.632463
WN3 4HX 16 6 53.54177 -2.631978
WN3 4HY 5 0 53.542221 -2.631713
WN3 4JL 1 0 53.539894 -2.622911