all postcodes in WN5 / WIGAN

find any address or company within the WN5 postcode district

Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN5 8DG 1 53.53133 -2.670776
WN5 8DH 12 53.531138 -2.674077
WN5 8DJ 1 53.532369 -2.672437
WN5 8DL 0 53.531837 -2.673213
WN5 8DN 0 53.531627 -2.672289
WN5 8DP 0 53.532354 -2.674126
WN5 8DQ 0 53.530903 -2.671554
WN5 8DR 0 53.532716 -2.673619
WN5 8DW 0 53.532052 -2.673352
WN5 8DX 0 53.532871 -2.67166
WN5 8DY 0 53.533979 -2.674333
WN5 8DZ 0 53.534732 -2.674798
WN5 8EA 8 53.533327 -2.67639
WN5 8EG 7 53.531735 -2.681252
WN5 8ES 0 53.535038 -2.674712
WN5 8ET 1 53.534447 -2.672726
WN5 8EU 0 53.534449 -2.674024
WN5 8EY 6 53.536836 -2.687309
WN5 8EX 4 53.536486 -2.685523
WN5 8EZ 0 53.537338 -2.690546