all postcodes in WN6 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN6 9DG 0 53.58054 -2.712955
WN6 9DH 0 53.581444 -2.713362
WN6 9DJ 1 53.582787 -2.714504
WN6 9DL 4 53.584973 -2.717229
WN6 9DN 0 53.58411 -2.719978
WN6 9DP 0 53.584225 -2.719135
WN6 9DQ 1 53.580509 -2.712184
WN6 9DR 11 53.584501 -2.718022
WN6 9DS 0 53.585305 -2.721903
WN6 9DT 1 53.586673 -2.726035
WN6 9DU 0 53.58492 -2.727591
WN6 9DW 1 53.585044 -2.714375
WN6 9DX 0 53.588041 -2.724048
WN6 9DY 1 53.590511 -2.72462
WN6 9DZ 0 53.590753 -2.726074
WN6 9EA 0 53.590178 -2.726095
WN6 9EB 0 53.590263 -2.725492
WN6 9ED 0 53.589612 -2.7261
WN6 9EE 0 53.590257 -2.727864
WN6 9EF 0 53.591121 -2.727637