all postcodes in WN6 / WIGAN

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN6 9EG 0 53.59166 -2.729172
WN6 9EH 0 53.588791 -2.730905
WN6 9EJ 2 53.592223 -2.726855
WN6 9EL 1 53.592199 -2.72335
WN6 9EN 0 53.591642 -2.71278
WN6 9EP 1 53.589824 -2.711509
WN6 9EQ 0 53.592789 -2.729811
WN6 9ES 0 53.591003 -2.709944
WN6 9ET 0 53.575924 -2.7154
WN6 9EW 1 53.590644 -2.717416
WN6 9HA 0 53.591796 -2.726062
WN6 9HB 0 53.591465 -2.72589
WN6 9HD 0 53.582436 -2.713138
WN6 9HE 0 53.581685 -2.714047
WN6 9HF 0 53.58307 -2.719901
WN6 9HU 0 53.577508 -2.712073
WN6 9HX 0 53.576978 -2.711883
WN6 9HZ 0 53.579961 -2.710604
WN6 9JA 2 53.579041 -2.71086
WN6 9JB 0 53.578101 -2.709093