all postcodes in WN6 / WIGAN

find any address or company within the WN6 postcode district

Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN6 0EB 22 0 53.581621 -2.652752
WN6 0ED 30 0 53.582813 -2.65345
WN6 0EE 11 0 53.583296 -2.655436
WN6 0EF 26 0 53.582685 -2.653871
WN6 0EG 44 0 53.581404 -2.654637
WN6 0EH 30 0 53.576984 -2.641066
WN6 0EJ 31 0 53.57946 -2.653504
WN6 0EL 10 0 53.583035 -2.655613
WN6 0EN 37 0 53.582069 -2.656399
WN6 0EP 33 0 53.583501 -2.657554
WN6 0EQ 2 1 53.580343 -2.652519
WN6 0ER 12 0 53.583356 -2.656056
WN6 0ES 47 2 53.584324 -2.657671
WN6 0ET 7 0 53.582576 -2.650758
WN6 0EU 49 0 53.581677 -2.649037
WN6 0EW 8 0 53.583045 -2.656958
WN6 0EX 14 0 53.581692 -2.651273
WN6 0EY 8 0 53.581565 -2.649836
WN6 0EZ 12 0 53.578189 -2.644151
WN6 0FA 2 0 53.580847 -2.652497