all postcodes in WN / Wigan

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Postcode Area

WN / Wigan

Postcode District

WN / Wigan

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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WN1 1BZ 2 1 53.545166 -2.633371
WN1 1LD 12 9 53.545365 -2.632077
WN1 1LF 20 20 53.545278 -2.631472
WN1 1LL 2 2 53.545203 -2.631455
WN1 1LN 15 15 53.544944 -2.631708
WN1 1LP 10 7 53.545178 -2.633508
WN1 1LR 54 27 53.546562 -2.633408
WN1 1NA 1 1 53.545773 -2.634255
WN1 1NF 1 1 53.546498 -2.636999
WN1 1NL 6 4 53.54615 -2.633281
WN1 1NN 35 14 53.545313 -2.631215
WN1 1NR 1 1 53.546453 -2.631927
WN1 1NZ 1 1 53.545601 -2.631099
WN1 1PA 1 1 53.546967 -2.635089
WN1 1PE 13 10 53.546303 -2.631381
WN1 1PF 4 1 53.545935 -2.6313
WN1 1PJ 8 8 53.546559 -2.631777
WN1 1PL 17 12 53.54708 -2.631815
WN1 1PN 21 17 53.548914 -2.632401
WN1 1PQ 1 1 53.546098 -2.631122