all postcodes in WR14 / MALVERN

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Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WR14 1SS 31 19 52.126754 -2.316011
WR14 1SU 17 6 52.126717 -2.316653
WR14 1SW 2 1 52.125153 -2.319261
WR14 1SY 23 11 52.127502 -2.315695
WR14 1TD 1 1 52.125712 -2.318535
WR14 1TE 5 0 52.131795 -2.323194
WR14 1TF 39 5 52.127357 -2.32176
WR14 1TH 31 1 52.128027 -2.323576
WR14 1FF 14 0 52.129518 -2.324142
WR14 1TJ 12 0 52.129328 -2.324404
WR14 1TL 40 1 52.130534 -2.323872
WR14 1TN 8 0 52.130417 -2.324612
WR14 1TP 8 1 52.132727 -2.324385
WR14 1TQ 1 1 52.128247 -2.321898
WR14 1TR 34 0 52.132507 -2.322382
WR14 1TS 28 0 52.133289 -2.322475
WR14 1TT 3 0 52.133573 -2.32049
WR14 1TU 50 0 52.13036 -2.322015
WR14 1TW 27 0 52.131801 -2.324027
WR14 1TX 40 0 52.132377 -2.320832