all postcodes in WR14 / MALVERN

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Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WR14 1PH 23 0 52.127496 -2.336486
WR14 1PJ 44 5 52.126072 -2.331362
WR14 1PL 29 1 52.127515 -2.333111
WR14 1PN 54 1 52.12761 -2.334222
WR14 1PQ 18 0 52.124161 -2.329917
WR14 1PR 15 0 52.12957 -2.334252
WR14 1PS 50 0 52.128725 -2.334231
WR14 1PT 34 0 52.129347 -2.333622
WR14 1PU 25 0 52.128179 -2.333365
WR14 1PW 72 0 52.127528 -2.337815
WR14 1PX 8 0 52.128003 -2.332746
WR14 1PY 5 5 52.130624 -2.300933
WR14 1PZ 13 12 52.130539 -2.302715
WR14 1QA 7 0 52.123816 -2.337597
WR14 1QD 68 7 52.120951 -2.333832
WR14 1QE 9 0 52.122219 -2.336227
WR14 1QF 15 0 52.121174 -2.334637
WR14 1QG 4 0 52.1202 -2.331771
WR14 1QH 33 1 52.122376 -2.334753
WR14 1QJ 29 0 52.122384 -2.332153