all postcodes in WR3 / WORCESTER

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Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WR3 8RS 1 52.229115 -2.19241
WR3 8RT 0 52.229925 -2.191535
WR3 8RU 0 52.230674 -2.189665
WR3 8RW 0 52.228388 -2.191719
WR3 8RY 0 52.231459 -2.188409
WR3 8SA 2 52.222611 -2.207616
WR3 8SB 3 52.222706 -2.19977
WR3 8SD 0 52.2192 -2.201897
WR3 8SG 41 52.218472 -2.196726
WR3 8SH 0 52.224715 -2.191844
WR3 8SJ 0 52.222102 -2.189813
WR3 8SL 0 52.224695 -2.181655
WR3 8SN 0 52.225991 -2.183408
WR3 8SP 1 52.225163 -2.175449
WR3 8SQ 15 52.21437 -2.198274
WR3 8SS 0 52.224093 -2.181404
WR3 8SU 0 52.224189 -2.164934
WR3 8ST 0 52.221797 -2.171411
WR3 8SX 4 52.221343 -2.152121
WR3 8SY 1 52.227894 -2.147239