all postcodes in WR3 / WORCESTER

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Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WR3 8QR 1 52.210459 -2.203789
WR3 8QS 1 52.210818 -2.203937
WR3 8QT 0 52.215381 -2.201148
WR3 8QU 0 52.209605 -2.203243
WR3 8QW 0 52.214112 -2.2018
WR3 8QX 0 52.206724 -2.205572
WR3 8QY 0 52.206724 -2.205572
WR3 8RA 1 52.230152 -2.190438
WR3 8RB 0 52.231835 -2.189333
WR3 8RD 0 52.231376 -2.189668
WR3 8RE 0 52.230519 -2.19104
WR3 8RF 0 52.231095 -2.191204
WR3 8RG 0 52.231806 -2.19065
WR3 8RH 0 52.230337 -2.186984
WR3 8RJ 3 52.230276 -2.188969
WR3 8RL 1 52.229576 -2.188205
WR3 8RN 2 52.229558 -2.190407
WR3 8RP 1 52.228732 -2.192594
WR3 8RQ 0 52.231299 -2.187046
WR3 8RR 0 52.228098 -2.193109