all postcodes in WR5 / WORCESTER

find any address or company within the WR5 postcode district

Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WR5 3LW 4 2 52.150791 -2.218872
WR5 3LX 14 0 52.16468 -2.213799
WR5 3LY 11 0 52.164471 -2.214733
WR5 3LZ 10 0 52.164191 -2.215331
WR5 3NA 5 1 52.138702 -2.217308
WR5 3NB 22 3 52.137299 -2.216312
WR5 3ND 9 0 52.136933 -2.21482
WR5 3NE 8 0 52.135869 -2.216334
WR5 3NF 3 1 52.135467 -2.216211
WR5 3NG 46 0 52.134193 -2.213448
WR5 3NH 3 0 52.132868 -2.22137
WR5 3NJ 38 1 52.136951 -2.219817
WR5 3NL 48 0 52.136405 -2.218236
WR5 3NN 19 0 52.136214 -2.214656
WR5 3NP 12 0 52.138221 -2.218654
WR5 3NQ 5 0 52.132434 -2.216727
WR5 3NS 11 1 52.139135 -2.2154
WR5 3NT 42 1 52.139909 -2.214922
WR5 3NU 24 0 52.140316 -2.213521
WR5 3NW 10 0 52.137222 -2.21881