all postcodes in WR5 / WORCESTER

find any address or company within the WR5 postcode district

Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WR5 3NX 14 0 52.139715 -2.212437
WR5 3NY 10 1 52.130515 -2.215412
WR5 3NZ 3 0 52.126323 -2.221337
WR5 3PA 18 2 52.123467 -2.219035
WR5 3PB 6 0 52.124916 -2.207999
WR5 3PD 6 0 52.12299 -2.193384
WR5 3PE 18 0 52.119834 -2.204251
WR5 3PF 20 3 52.117128 -2.204078
WR5 3PH 32 0 52.171798 -2.199562
WR5 3PJ 25 0 52.171124 -2.199544
WR5 3PL 23 0 52.171341 -2.198507
WR5 3PN 5 0 52.138342 -2.216244
WR5 3PP 29 0 52.138471 -2.21471
WR5 3PQ 35 0 52.172264 -2.196576
WR5 3PR 1 0 52.139158 -2.212376
WR5 3PS 14 0 52.138367 -2.212226
WR5 3PT 33 0 52.137451 -2.213298
WR5 3PU 14 0 52.136693 -2.213168
WR5 3PW 6 0 52.139075 -2.213369
WR5 3PX 4 0 52.136959 -2.210495