all postcodes in WR7 / WORCESTER

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Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WR7 4LU 10 1 52.181624 -1.956839
WR7 4LW 3 0 52.187884 -1.992751
WR7 4LX 5 0 52.189951 -1.951192
WR7 4LY 5 0 52.190057 -1.936498
WR7 4LZ 1 0 52.189869 -1.958864
WR7 4NA 40 0 52.194368 -1.958766
WR7 4NH 36 5 52.186324 -2.086408
WR7 4NJ 6 0 52.187066 -2.086357
WR7 4NL 1 0 52.192017 -2.100996
WR7 4NN 8 0 52.187783 -2.094135
WR7 4NP 12 0 52.188808 -2.089228
WR7 4NR 28 1 52.186313 -2.083153
WR7 4NS 11 0 52.187913 -2.083448
WR7 4NT 20 0 52.18611 -2.0836
WR7 4NU 5 0 52.175618 -2.064488
WR7 4NW 13 1 52.188477 -2.087194
WR7 4NX 11 0 52.178712 -2.077055
WR7 4NY 4 0 52.173739 -2.082918
WR7 4NZ 5 0 52.180583 -2.07964
WR7 4PA 10 0 52.187015 -2.082744