all postcodes in WR7 / WORCESTER

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Postcode Area

WR / Worcester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WR7 4PB 5 0 52.187257 -2.083578
WR7 4PD 1 0 52.186775 -2.069354
WR7 4PE 11 1 52.192717 -2.070621
WR7 4PF 4 0 52.193477 -2.062079
WR7 4PG 9 0 52.200619 -2.05571
WR7 4PH 8 0 52.212656 -2.049306
WR7 4PJ 20 0 52.214848 -2.054387
WR7 4PL 4 0 52.212276 -2.062647
WR7 4PN 1 0 52.221191 -2.042743
WR7 4PP 5 0 52.194266 -2.037245
WR7 4PQ 5 0 52.208006 -2.054803
WR7 4PR 12 0 52.195439 -2.050033
WR7 4PS 7 0 52.18974 -2.0483
WR7 4PT 4 0 52.186834 -2.053256
WR7 4PU 5 0 52.190015 -2.057063
WR7 4PW 10 3 52.196026 -2.045469
WR7 4PX 8 0 52.220172 -1.97851
WR7 4QA 8 0 52.192492 -2.138447
WR7 4QB 2 0 52.186165 -2.139094
WR7 4QD 3 0 52.184804 -2.131592