all postcodes in WS10 / WEDNESBURY

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS10 8GB 0 52.552897 -2.047594
WS10 8GD 0 52.55331 -2.048391
WS10 8GE 0 52.553328 -2.046975
WS10 8GZ 1 52.560356 -2.027172
WS10 8HD 0 52.573029 -2.035989
WS10 8HE 6 52.575402 -2.036891
WS10 8HF 0 52.57453 -2.035474
WS10 8HG 1 52.574674 -2.036654
WS10 8HH 0 52.573047 -2.03652
WS10 8HJ 1 52.574386 -2.037687
WS10 8HL 0 52.572975 -2.037302
WS10 8HN 1 52.573163 -2.038615
WS10 8HP 0 52.573864 -2.039
WS10 8HQ 1 52.574087 -2.037224
WS10 8HR 0 52.57461 -2.039192
WS10 8HS 0 52.575195 -2.038957
WS10 8HT 0 52.575707 -2.039429
WS10 8HU 0 52.576021 -2.040581
WS10 8HW 1 52.574313 -2.040431
WS10 8HX 0 52.576388 -2.039307