all postcodes in WS10 / WEDNESBURY

find any address or company within the WS10 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS10 8LP 11 52.575618 -2.025686
WS10 8LQ 7 52.579379 -2.02562
WS10 8LW 1 52.57829 -2.029884
WS10 8LZ 5 52.572808 -2.021366
WS10 8NA 0 52.576584 -2.020084
WS10 8NE 0 52.570448 -2.038569
WS10 8NF 0 52.570889 -2.038053
WS10 8NG 1 52.571769 -2.039721
WS10 8NH 0 52.571984 -2.043041
WS10 8NJ 0 52.57219 -2.044236
WS10 8NL 0 52.572711 -2.045107
WS10 8NN 0 52.572738 -2.046524
WS10 8NQ 5 52.572559 -2.042702
WS10 8NR 0 52.572342 -2.047556
WS10 8NS 0 52.573385 -2.047484
WS10 8NT 0 52.574563 -2.045847
WS10 8NU 0 52.576875 -2.041762
WS10 8NW 2 52.571686 -2.046862
WS10 8NX 0 52.57602 -2.043797
WS10 8PA 0 52.576246 -2.041437