all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 2EL 35 1 52.757557 -1.935857
WS15 2EN 15 0 52.769553 -1.942539
WS15 2EP 21 0 52.766727 -1.936585
WS15 2EQ 15 1 52.758148 -1.931707
WS15 2ER 38 0 52.767563 -1.936702
WS15 2ES 16 0 52.767879 -1.93808
WS15 2ET 20 1 52.769336 -1.940331
WS15 2EU 5 0 52.771216 -1.942626
WS15 2EW 14 1 52.766035 -1.937312
WS15 2EX 12 1 52.770964 -1.941277
WS15 2EY 18 0 52.771638 -1.94141
WS15 2EZ 18 0 52.7709 -1.939706
WS15 2FA 1 1 52.760479 -1.935156
WS15 2FE 13 0 52.763844 -1.96445
WS15 2FG 6 0 52.752919 -1.959416
WS15 2FJ 7 0 52.764536 -1.963693
WS15 2FL 27 0 52.75954 -1.94636
WS15 2FN 9 0 52.758803 -1.946717
WS15 2FP 10 0 52.75927 -1.945397
WS15 2FX 1 1 52.761817 -1.932383