all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 2GD 13 0 52.759925 -1.942225
WS15 2GX 3 0 52.760453 -1.959785
WS15 2GY 25 0 52.753408 -1.942619
WS15 2HA 69 0 52.769479 -1.938107
WS15 2HB 18 0 52.770522 -1.939884
WS15 2HD 10 0 52.769209 -1.938493
WS15 2HE 14 1 52.765647 -1.933785
WS15 2HF 22 0 52.753004 -1.943701
WS15 2HH 24 0 52.766438 -1.933991
WS15 2HJ 15 0 52.760205 -1.930054
WS15 2HL 15 0 52.75999 -1.929763
WS15 2HN 25 5 52.761088 -1.931362
WS15 2HP 70 0 52.7719 -1.943455
WS15 2HQ 13 12 52.769699 -1.930785
WS15 2HR 2 2 52.762336 -1.930169
WS15 2HS 23 21 52.764719 -1.931944
WS15 2HT 12 0 52.765603 -1.935741
WS15 2HU 22 0 52.752475 -1.946621
WS15 2HW 15 0 52.752241 -1.946917
WS15 2HX 42 1 52.757002 -1.939651