all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 2RG 10 0 52.76466 -1.956876
WS15 2RH 14 0 52.763056 -1.948905
WS15 2RJ 8 0 52.761077 -1.945766
WS15 2RL 30 0 52.761851 -1.946209
WS15 2RN 25 0 52.762327 -1.946594
WS15 2RP 17 0 52.764053 -1.947273
WS15 2RQ 15 0 52.762382 -1.94898
WS15 2RR 20 0 52.764691 -1.946458
WS15 2RS 21 0 52.764907 -1.947376
WS15 2RT 28 0 52.763784 -1.94797
WS15 2RU 44 0 52.762022 -1.94732
WS15 2RW 30 0 52.76328 -1.947097
WS15 2RX 12 0 52.764027 -1.948815
WS15 2RY 13 0 52.764379 -1.950948
WS15 2RZ 27 0 52.764487 -1.951393
WS15 2SA 38 0 52.761249 -1.947825
WS15 2SB 11 0 52.76203 -1.945824
WS15 2SD 18 0 52.760964 -1.955739
WS15 2SE 4 0 52.763622 -1.947615
WS15 2SF 3 0 52.763636 -1.938619