all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 2SG 6 0 52.762609 -1.954196
WS15 2SH 14 0 52.761385 -1.951737
WS15 2SJ 26 0 52.76188 -1.952907
WS15 2SL 25 0 52.761484 -1.950359
WS15 2SN 41 0 52.761456 -1.948892
WS15 2SP 17 0 52.760747 -1.95153
WS15 2SQ 25 0 52.762439 -1.955411
WS15 2SR 18 0 52.76064 -1.95239
WS15 2SS 27 0 52.761108 -1.953664
WS15 2ST 13 0 52.760477 -1.950968
WS15 2SU 14 0 52.762833 -1.951691
WS15 2SW 12 0 52.760378 -1.94999
WS15 2SX 53 1 52.763318 -1.951898
WS15 2SY 35 0 52.763517 -1.953365
WS15 2SZ 6 0 52.763948 -1.952579
WS15 2TA 9 0 52.763274 -1.953721
WS15 2TB 24 0 52.764631 -1.952341
WS15 2TE 48 0 52.761899 -1.954967
WS15 2TF 32 0 52.762007 -1.954019
WS15 2TG 13 0 52.755553 -1.956974