all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 2TH 11 0 52.763787 -1.956536
WS15 2TJ 3 0 52.764866 -1.958056
WS15 2TL 11 0 52.764346 -1.959499
WS15 2TN 30 0 52.768057 -1.954961
WS15 2TP 4 0 52.769693 -1.956249
WS15 2TQ 3 0 52.754915 -1.95736
WS15 2TR 9 0 52.769809 -1.953492
WS15 2TS 33 0 52.768669 -1.957421
WS15 2TT 3 0 52.764996 -1.968509
WS15 2TU 6 1 52.762553 -1.976751
WS15 2TW 14 0 52.76874 -1.954293
WS15 2TX 6 1 52.755622 -1.979347
WS15 2TY 2 0 52.752286 -1.978958
WS15 2TZ 1 0 52.751308 -1.982979
WS15 2UA 2 0 52.750247 -1.994056
WS15 2UB 3 1 52.752457 -1.977023
WS15 2UE 19 1 52.756569 -1.957906
WS15 2UF 21 0 52.755614 -1.981911
WS15 2UG 12 0 52.755794 -1.984933
WS15 2UH 4 0 52.743326 -1.988063