all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 2YA 4 0 52.771389 -1.950342
WS15 2YB 7 0 52.75522 -1.958421
WS15 2YD 2 0 52.754133 -1.959014
WS15 2YE 50 0 52.765972 -1.957734
WS15 2YF 21 0 52.765981 -1.956475
WS15 2YG 37 0 52.7651 -1.957424
WS15 2YH 5 0 52.76272 -1.940221
WS15 2YJ 25 0 52.768294 -1.942941
WS15 2YL 6 0 52.761965 -1.962125
WS15 2YN 3 0 52.762881 -1.93908
WS15 2YP 10 1 52.765043 -1.948369
WS15 2YQ 3 0 52.753981 -1.95859
WS15 2YR 29 18 52.764872 -1.930837
WS15 2YW 9 0 52.761013 -1.943765
WS15 2YZ 36 0 52.757153 -1.93525
WS15 2FR 0 52.767196 -1.940245
WS15 2FS 0 52.767745 -1.940659
WS15 2FW 0 52.766819 -1.939489
WS15 2FY 0 52.766559 -1.941772
WS15 2TD 0 52.770516 -1.945013