all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

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Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 2JX 3 52.758051 -1.934863
WS15 2GJ 0 52.770236 -1.942449
WS15 2FH 2 52.767064 -1.947546
WS15 2BP 0 52.769641 -1.939456
WS15 2WT 1 52.759837 -1.928726
WS15 2FB 0 52.772971 -1.947218
WS15 2HG 2 52.764982 -1.933875
WS15 2BU 0 52.760939 -1.938312
WS15 2DH 16 0 52.765527 -1.949104
WS15 2FU 1 0 52.761646 -1.934453
WS15 2GZ 1 0 52.771093 -1.950698
WS15 3AA 5 0 52.804567 -1.87378
WS15 3AB 2 0 52.800041 -1.878881
WS15 3AD 3 0 52.801506 -1.86915
WS15 3AE 6 0 52.819216 -1.886814
WS15 3AF 12 0 52.808246 -1.859221
WS15 3AG 20 0 52.818493 -1.850952
WS15 3AH 6 0 52.823417 -1.822814
WS15 3AJ 1 0 52.826133 -1.8442
WS15 3AL 6 0 52.816753 -1.854415