all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 3BS 10 2 52.818806 -1.881726
WS15 3BT 19 2 52.819974 -1.880966
WS15 3BU 10 0 52.821439 -1.880457
WS15 3BW 2 2 52.818254 -1.877914
WS15 3BX 26 0 52.820754 -1.878649
WS15 3BY 17 0 52.82044 -1.879258
WS15 3BZ 9 1 52.819103 -1.88325
WS15 3DA 34 0 52.819511 -1.885181
WS15 3DB 31 3 52.819591 -1.884647
WS15 3DD 8 1 52.818934 -1.883714
WS15 3DE 17 1 52.818667 -1.887688
WS15 3DF 10 1 52.817086 -1.887176
WS15 3DG 4 0 52.817591 -1.881488
WS15 3DH 6 1 52.816842 -1.87679
WS15 3DJ 2 0 52.816149 -1.877249
WS15 3DL 21 0 52.815413 -1.877091
WS15 3DN 19 0 52.814378 -1.8761
WS15 3DW 41 0 52.816083 -1.873677
WS15 3DP 19 0 52.81665 -1.873838
WS15 3DQ 4 0 52.817206 -1.881255