all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 3DR 2 0 52.809326 -1.877223
WS15 3DS 15 0 52.809892 -1.886375
WS15 3DT 6 1 52.813105 -1.889263
WS15 3DU 7 2 52.807361 -1.889619
WS15 3DX 2 0 52.808958 -1.897029
WS15 3DY 17 1 52.816871 -1.899919
WS15 3DZ 12 0 52.820759 -1.884228
WS15 3EA 3 0 52.81594 -1.874063
WS15 3EB 19 0 52.818091 -1.885927
WS15 3ED 11 0 52.817768 -1.886165
WS15 3EE 7 0 52.817058 -1.886761
WS15 3EF 46 0 52.821111 -1.885771
WS15 3EG 9 0 52.820098 -1.887732
WS15 3EH 6 0 52.821998 -1.891986
WS15 3EJ 3 0 52.826859 -1.899617
WS15 3EL 10 0 52.831446 -1.903908
WS15 3EN 5 0 52.841281 -1.903073
WS15 3EP 3 0 52.832321 -1.885961
WS15 3EQ 24 1 52.820764 -1.88871
WS15 3ER 4 1 52.84064 -1.863804