all postcodes in WS15 / RUGELEY

find any address or company within the WS15 postcode district

Postcode Area

WS / Walsall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WS15 3ES 4 1 52.843514 -1.847419
WS15 3ET 1 0 52.838194 -1.854804
WS15 3EU 4 0 52.821694 -1.883929
WS15 3EW 12 0 52.838911 -1.908597
WS15 3EX 19 0 52.818947 -1.888284
WS15 3EY 11 0 52.820284 -1.884779
WS15 3EZ 15 0 52.82165 -1.885042
WS15 3HA 6 3 52.767981 -1.928742
WS15 3HQ 12 2 52.768187 -1.926786
WS15 3HB 11 5 52.771018 -1.925373
WS15 3HD 10 0 52.77157 -1.93179
WS15 3HE 1 1 52.771336 -1.931257
WS15 3HF 16 9 52.77282 -1.932737
WS15 3HG 2 0 52.774748 -1.926325
WS15 3HJ 7 0 52.770138 -1.913576
WS15 3HL 2 0 52.762249 -1.90797
WS15 3HN 2 0 52.775102 -1.918172
WS15 3HR 5 0 52.779491 -1.896909
WS15 3HS 4 0 52.780685 -1.894534
WS15 3HT 4 0 52.77457 -1.892944